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Executive Services

Executive Service Desk

Transform your leaders’ financial future

We help your executives to navigate their ever-changing needs. With tailored equity compensation support and access to J.P. Morgan financial advisors, our teams can help your executives understand the nuances of their awards and the impact they can have.

Enhance your executive equity compensation offering

Empower your C-suite to unlock the true power of their equity.



Executive Services Desk 

Elevated individual support

The leaders of your company are busy. When it comes to equity you want to reward their hard work, not give them even more to do. We remove the complexities of equity compensation so your executives can focus on the benefits, not the admin. Our dedicated team of executive services specialists are here to simplify, educate and contextualize those awards and the impact they can have on their broader financial lives.

Executive Services

Trading Plans

10b5-1 support

With J.P. Morgan, thoughtful investment advice and tax considerations can form part of the overall planning process. Our teams can assist with establishing a trading plan strategy including disclosures, scheduled sale and plan processes for impacted individuals within your company to meet these requirements.

Executive Services

Access to JP Morgan financial advisors

Strategy and guidance, personalized

At J.P. Morgan, our teams apply a holistic approach to investing centered on a goals and priorities-based approach. If and when your employees are interested in learning more about our firm’s wealth management services, we will work with them to find the right advice channel best suited to their needs.

Executive Services

Equity compensation expertise

Education that empowers

Our team of executive services specialists have an in-depth knowledge of your company’s specific plan. They draw on a deep well of industry experience and understanding of equity awards to provide your executives with tailored equity education, suitable for any knowledge level.

Executive Services

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